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RULES A N D REGULATIONS | -W-A T-E-R- -D-EP-A-R-T-M-EN-T- I The following rules and regulations applying to water service supplied t y the Sierra Pacific P o w e r Company to its customers have "been approved "by the Publ i c Service Commission of the State of Nevada, Under the l a w of the State, the Gonpany is not p e r m i t t e d to supply service to any Customer who does not comply w i b h all these regulations an d no officer, inspector, solicitor, agent 1 or employe of the Company has a n y a uthority to waive, alter or amend in any respect, these rules an d regulations, ' 1. SERVICES A N D M A I N EXTENSIONS, (a) A Customer desiring water service shall install one service p i p e for each b u i l d i n g to b e . s e r v e d f rom the bui l d i n g to the curb line on an adjacent street u n d e r w h i c h a w a t e r m a i n is located, and n o t i f y the Coapany that h e desires water service, (b) The Company will, at its own expense, connect each service p ipe of the- Customer to the Coup any * s m a i n b y an extension of the service p ipe f r o m the cv.rb line to the main, (c) It is strongly recommended that the Customer u s e only galvanized iron p i p e in his p o r t i o n of the service pipe. This is considered desirable, b e c a u s e p i p e not galvanized ha s b e e n p r o v e n to be subject to ra p i d deterioration, f r o m rust w i t h a resulting unsat i s f a c t o r y water supply to the Customer, The Company will u s e only galvanized iron p i p e in its p o r t i o n of the service Pipe* ,* . (d) All service pipes of the Customer shall b e l a i d not less than thirty (30") inches b e l o w the surface of the ground. It has b e e n found that, this m i n i mum depth is nece s s a r y for p r o t e c t i o n f rom frost, a nd furthermore in the City of Reno, a cuty ordinance specifies a thirty (30") inch m i n i m u m depth. The ! Company will install its p o r t i o n of the service p i p e not less than thirty (3 C n) inches b e l o w the surface of the ground, (e) The Company will install, at its own expense, one stop cock, to b e l o c a t e d at the Customer* s curb line, (f) The Company will, at its own expense, extend its m a i n one h u n d r e d a n d fifty (150*) feet exclusive of len g t h of service pipe, for each Customer d e siring service, (g) Whenever an application for water service is received, which will require the Company to extend its m a i n s m ore than one h u n d r e d a n d fi f t y (150*) feet, exclusive of length of service p i p e for each customer to b e served, the Customer or Customers shall enter into a contract to advance sufficient m o n e y to i cover the cost of m a k i n g such extension. The amount advanced will be returned to the Customer or Customers at the r ate of 25j> of the m o n t h l y bills for water over a p e r i o d of no t m o r o than, five (5) years, the amount, if any, remaining u n r e f u n d e d at the expiration of that p e r i o d b e c o m i n g the p r o p e r t y of the Company, i The m a i n extension becomes the p r o p e r t y of the Coapany immediately u p o n tiie couplet!on of its construction, a n d will b e m a i n t a i n e d b y the Company at its own expense, (h) N o connection to or b r a n c h f rom the service pipe, shall b e m ade b y the Customer, or b y a p l u m b e r employed b y the Customer b e t w e e n the Company* s m a i n and the curb-cock installed b y the Company at the curb line. Sierra Pacific Power Company ^ Reno, Nevada _______________ Filed by Effective Georgs A, Campbell May 15, 1924 President