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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-17


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    On Motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner Thomas the following Pre­ambles, and Resolution were adopted; Whereas the Board has under consideration the authorization of the construction, and erection and installing of an ornamental street lighting system complete in the following proposed district in said City. towit; In Clark's Las Vegas Townsite The easterly side of Main st; from the northerly side of Bridger street to the southerly side of Stewart St; Fremont St; from the easterly side of Main St; to the westerly side of Fifth St; The westerly side of Fifth St; from the northerly side of Bridger St; to the southerly side of Stewart St; In Hawkins Addition. The easterly side of Fifth Street from the northerly side of Bridger Street to the southerly side of Stewart St; And Whereas, it is proposed to defray the cost of such improvement by special assessment, and it is necessary that the City have an Engineer for the purpose of preparing estimates of the expence, and plat and diagram of the work, and the locality to be improved, a spec­ial assessment map, a drafting of the specifications, and plans, and general supervision of the work, during the installation, and Whereas, Ralph Waggoner of Los Angeles, California, and experienced street lighting engineer has offered to preform the services aforesaid for, and in the consideration of the sum of One Dollar, Now therefore be it Resolved, that the position of the said Ralph Waggoner be, and the same is hereby accepted, and said Ralph Waggoner be, and he is hereby appointed Engineer for the City of Las Vegas for the purposes aforesaid, and that a warrant be drawn by the proper officers of the City in Favor of the said Ralph Waggoner for the payment of the compensat­ion aforesaid, and that said Ralph Waggoner be, and he is hereby directed to prepare , and submit to this Board as soon as possible and estimate of the expense of said proposed im­provement, and also plat, and diagram of the work, and of the locality to be improved of said proposed improvement, and proceed with such other work from time to time as may be required of him under this appointment. The vote on said resolution was as follows: Commissioner Smith Aye; Commissioner Thomas Aye. His Honor the Mayor Aye. Noes None. On motion of Commissioner Smith, Sec. by Commissioner Thomas the following resolution was adopted: Resolve, that the estimates of the expense, plat, and diagram of the work, and of the locality to be improved of the proposed construction erection, and installation of an ornam­ental street lighting system complete, prepared by Ralph Waggoner, Engineer for such purpose heretofore appointed by this Board, covering the following proposed district, towit: In Clark's Las Vegas Townsite The easterly side of Main St; from the northerly side of Bridger to the southerly side of Stewart St; Fremont St; from the easterly side of Main St; to the Westerly side of Fifth St; The westerly side of Fifth St; from the northerly side of Bridger St; to the southerly side of Stewart St; In Hawkins' Addition. The easterly side of Fifth St; from the northerly side of Bridger to the Southerly side of Stewart St; be, and the same are hereby approved and the same are hereby directed to be filed in the