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APPEN DIX A (6) A reason able charge rep resen tin g co st to B M l of adequately insuring against lia b ility fo r in ju ry to or death of p erso n s (including em ployees) or dam age to or d e s tr u c tion of p ro p e rty arisin g in the p erform a n ce of said w ork; (7) A ll sales taxes, use taxes or other taxes w hich m ay fr o m tim e to tim e be co lle cte d fr o m B M l against or on account of m aterials and equipm ent used; (8) A ll re a l and p erson a l p ro p e rty taxes paid by B M l, w hich are fa ir ly a lloca b le to said p ortion of the W ater F a c ilitie s ; (9) C ost of operation , m aintenance and rep la cem en t of autom otive equipm ent n e ce s s a ry in the p erfo rm a n ce of said w ork; and (10) A reason able allow ance rep resen tin g the co s t to B M l fo r all execu tive, leg a l, engineering and accounting s e r v ic e s d ire ctly assignable to said w ork. CHARGES FO R D E LIVE R Y OF W ATER 24. (a) In addition to paym ent of the s e r v ic e ch a rges p rov id ed fo r in P a ra g ra p h 23, the Water D is trict shall pay ch a rges fo r the d e liv e r y of w ater p rovid ed in this paragraph fo r all quantities of w ater d e liv e re d into the w ater system of said W ater D is tr ict, as shown by m ea su rem en ts of water m ade at the m eterin g point or p oin ts. (b) Until oth erw ise requ ested in w riting b y the Water D is tr ic t, B M l shall include in its b ills to the Water D is tr ict such am ounts as m ay be req u ired to be paid b y the Water D is tr ict to the State of N evada or the C olora d o R iver C om m ission b y water and e le c t r ic p ow er con tra cts betw een the W ater D istrict and the State of Nevada or Colo-- ra d o R iv e r C om m issio n fo r: (1) The p u rch ase p r ic e sp ecified in said above m entioned w ater con tracts for water sold and d e liv e re d to the W ater D is tr ict fr o m storage in Lake M ead, and (2) The ch arges com puted at the rates sp e cifie d in said above m entioned e le c tr ic pow er con tracts fo r the quantities of e le c t r ic en ergy used by B M l in the w ork of pum ping and d eliverin g water fo r and on behalf of the A - 8