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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    < g o H f Omaha - January 7 1953 704-36 Mr. E. E. Bennett - Los Angeles (CG-Mr. A. E. Stoddard Mr. Win. Reinhardt - Los Angeles Mr. W. R. Rouse Mr. W. H. Hulsizer) This refers to your letter of December 29, 1952 file 80-11, to Mr. Rouse, about the proposed sale of the La,? Vegas water facilities to the Las Vegas valley water Dis trict. wise, of this proposed sale and in order that the purchase offer, the recorded book investment, and the appraised value of the facilities may all be placed on the same basis, will you please confirm or correct my understanding that: 1. The distribution line owned by LA&SLRR Go* which presently serves P.E.E.Co. is included in the basic purchase price of #2,500,000 within the meaning of that part of Section (c) on page 4 of the proposed agree­ment, which reads as follows: «A11 water transmission and distribution Lines owned by LA&SLRR Co. * * * * and connecting with industries now served by LA&SLRR CQ« * * * * * (underscoring supplied) 2. The exclusion from the basic purchase price of #2,500,000 of the distribution line to serve the plant of P.E.E. as stated in Section (a) on page 5 of the proposed agreement refers to possible future con­struction and does not refer to the line presently serv­ing P.P.E. In connection with studying the effect, accounting- Your reply by telegram will b iated R. M*,