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I agree.\ Report Changes In Polling Sites For Water Vote , , I places fo r the w ater district elec- f f tion and the substitution o f one I candidate in the lineup fo r the f doll, w ere announced today b y | f H elen Scott Reed, cou nty clerk, - I as final arrangem ents w ere being | |; made fo r the election w hich is | set fo r T u esday, O ctober 19. j Because o f the unavailability R 1 of som e o f .the pollin g places, it p ? was necessary to change xhe site 1 1 in divisions num ber tw o, num ber ?f 1 five and num ber seven, Mrs. I j Reed said. " In division tw o the voters w ill i cast their ballots at the Clark county w elfare building, in stea d ! j.’ .of the C ity M ercantile bu ild in g! ’| as first announced; division num-j, [ber five w ill vote in the Catholic s recreation hall, instead o f th e ! ? gram m ar school gym nasium andj district num ber seven w ill *votej in the language room o f the Basic f thigh school instead o f the R e d > Cross building in Henderson. j D ivision tw o is com prised o f i |Las Vegas regular p recin cts*8-ll- *16-30-32-9 and 23. D ivision num ber five is com-J J posed o f the Las Vegas precincts! 12-3-4-6-7-19 and 20, w h ile d ivi-i is io n num ber seven is com prised} $ . j . T hree changes.... in the pollin g r