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    P H ? N F S T A N L E Y 7 - 2 2 D 2 B a r b e r - B r i d g e D r i l l i n g C d r p ., L t d . a -v & 3 I W E L L C O N T R A C T O R S • 3 ? 2 ? E M P I R E A V E N U E B U R B A N K , C A L I F O R N I A September 28, 1949 Mr. R. L. Adamson Industrial Engineerspi Union Pacific Railrclaj 422 West Sixth Los Angeles 14, fQaiijibrnia ted.. Dear Sir: i l l In regard to ^ap^ning out and swabbing of wells at Las Vegas; The w r i t e r I s that although there was no gain in water at this tii&e tldmsome good was done by swabbing these wells. I | \ j % . Wells JN os. A2, 3, S|4 :». I^L. and 9> showed a great deal of sand and tracers of rotary; mud Vhile swabbing. This proves that, if these Iwells had not be dp. cleaned out and swabbed at this time, tfcgft this swabbing would have had to be done some­time in the near future, fife kno^ this to be a fact as we take care of wells and clean out s||d swab wells before the production drops off; and, we notidf that the wells that are swabbed before production drops off ,\ continue to make more water than tip wells t M t are not cleaned out until the pVl rQ ToTd Q uctio-v%n begi1 nn s to^ddcrAe Ja se. We haJ vd \isSmiS"a n. ty - c ust omer•s that have their wells s^ndpumped two or three ed out until P swabbed and cleaned out every years. If these wells mentioned are not clean-production drops off to beyond the regular fluctuation it is^mei^tgre work to \ring^|id wells back to normal All fbut wfl discoloration. Wl! these wells fmay Enclosed J|*asiljp If we can be of gnyi f urtl call us. : l l | i ? - 2 p No^lft«id 11, s & p ^ J^id, mud and region fM|\this is that Si i|e .wowrk®-dkon e loinl litlhlfetm k\ r1ecently. jkepip to t&j&»short. i$o0^sj*te to /§/ .Ail ^ r ' i l B \jRz- *F r CORPORATION, LTD. LeBn:dBG Xf-vx &Y . .. ^ __o r :— Barber, President