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Los Angeles, C a l i f . , Jiine 4, 192? With referen ce to your l e t t e r o f May 19th, f i l e 9215, submitting Form 30 No. 5-4016, asking a u th o rity to ra is e the present 70,000 gallon water tank at Las Vegas 15” . has been made, and I do not fa v o r submission o f Form 30 as p repared, The a d d itio n a l h eigh t o f 15” as proposed w i l l not e n tir e l y elim in ate the con dition now e x is tin g . I f th is tank is to be raised a t a l l , i t should be ra ised an amount s u ffic ie n t to plaoe the goose necks at Common Standard e le va tio n * This can be done without making any a lte r a tio n s in the so fte n e r or pipe lin e s lea d in g th ereto . the s o fte n e r. By r a is in g the tank 3* and connecting the d is charge lin e from the soften er in to the side o f the top sheet o f the tank, s u ffic ie n t f a l l w i l l be had from the so ften er to the tank and the e n tir e cap acity o f the tank w i l l be a v a ila b le fo r storage. The goose necks w i l l then be o f proper height to d is charge in to locom otive tenders without any waste. The estimated cost o f the work as ou tlined above, w i l l be #2,900 o f which #840 would be chargeable to C apital Aocount. Form 30 No. 5-4016 is not in our opinion, s u ffic ie n t to handle the work p ro p erly ; furtherm ore, we do not consider the proposed method o f r a is in g th is tank by the a d d ition o f extra 15” s te e l I beam as the proper plan to be fo llo w ed , as th is construction w i l l present an u n sigh tly appearance and w i l l be very d i f f i c u l t to p ro p erly i n s t a ll. An in v e s tig a tio n o f con ditions e x is tin g a t Las Vegas The top o f the present tank is 3*10” below the top o f In th is connection, the estimated amount as shown on R. L. Adamson co-Mr. F* H, Knickerbocker