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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    W j : Re: Transfer of Water Appropriation from Well No. 1 to Shop Well Referring to your letters of November 7th and December 7th, 1953, in connection with the above matter: work until between March 7th' and March 15th, and complete the work within 75 days thereafter. This completion date might, if we are optimistic, extend beyond the date of the transfer, and I am wondering if there is any necessity for us to have that tank completed so it will be available to accept this water prior to the actual transfer of the certificate. Frankly, I am not familiar with the techni­calities surrounding these certificate transfers. not wish a permit to be issued until after new distribution facilities in the shop grounds have been completed so that water can be delivered from the”new point of diversion to the railroad facilities." our application "until such time as we are in a position of placing the water to beneficial use at the new point than the tank, so that the water can be delivered from the new point of diversion to the railroad facilities, but I am asking Mr. Maag to advise you on this polpt. It is not my understanding that when this permOTTS TSsuedwe have to immediately divert 2.5 c.f.s. of water and use it or have storage facilities to use it, but the permit is merely a permissible right to make the diversion and to consider the diversion made. If that is the case, why can’t we have Mr. C. M. Cory - Las Vegas: • (cc - Mr. L. R. Maag) Los Angeles - February 19s 195^ 17^-2 I had hoped that the tank in the shop grounds Your letter of November 7th states that we do Your letter of December 7th says that you are asking the State Engineer to withhold further action on of diversion..." I assume the facilities are now installed ptiier