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I agree.Los Angeles Aug. 13, 1953 80-12 Mr. L.R. Maag: cc: Mr. Wm. Reinhardt I enclose herewith copy of letter dated August 10th, from Mr. Robert A. Allen, Chairman of the Nevada Public Service Commission, which is self-explanatory. I think Mr. Allen is not entirely correct in saying that the water company under its present tariff is charging more than was formerly charged by the railroad company. I would appreciate it if you would check into this and furnish me a list of the industries or users formerly served by the railroad company and now served by the water company with respect to rates for each class of service. I understand the principal complaint is from the Henderson outfit but I think we can probably justify that charge by showing Mr. Allen that the rate Henderson is paying is no more than that paid by his competitor formerly served and now served by the water company. If there are any other situations involved or if you have had any other complaints, I would also like to have that information. Enc to each