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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-115


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    98 BIDS No. 47.24 The following invitations to bid having been heretofore issued to Revised be opened on this date, bids from the following firms were received: Item #1 Item #2 Tidewater Oil Assn. 800 So. Main Las Vegas, Nevada No bid No bid Union Oil Company 226 So. Main Las Vega s, Nevada $13.00 per net ton No bid 2000# f.o.b. our Wilmington Refinery, insulated tank cars Douglas Oil Co. of California Texas Company L. H. Cox Genl. Petroleum Co. BIDS NO. 47.25 INVITATION TO BID Sidewalks Item No. Description Estimated quantity I Construction of approximately 784 sq. ft. concrete sidewalk along sidewalk area abutting Lot 17, Block 39, Clark's Las Vegas Townsite on Bonneville Street. 784 sq. ft. 2 Construction of approximately 614 sq. ft. concrete sidewalk along sidewalk area abutting the west 100 ft. of Lot 1, Block 10, Clark's Las Vegas Townsite on Clark Street 614 sq. ft. All sidewalks to be constructed five feet in width with proper widening to meet curb returns at street intersections. Work to be done in accordance with regular sidewalk specifications of the City of Las Vegas and under regular sidewalk permits Upon completion of sidewalks all construction materials and debris shall be removed and the ground, lawn, or facility adjacent to sidewalk shall be sloped or adjusted to meet existing ground in a neat and substantial manner. The following firms submitted bids on the above invitations as follows: S. Item #1 Item #2 Total Per Sq. Ft. S. C. Rasmussen Las Vegas, Nevada F. H. Callihan, Jr. Box 967 Las Vegas, Nevada Horace Shidler & Son Las Vegas, Nevada Stocks Mill & Supply 750 Fremont Las Vegas, Nevada Desert Construction- 1619 Harley Way Las Vegas, Nev. E. M. Kaufield 419 W. Bonanza Las V gas, Nevada BID No. 47.26 Bids for furniture for the Police Station were opened from the Furniture for Police following firms: Station NAME -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- TOTAL Carter & Beville Albrights Atlas Desk Co. Seibert's Stationers Corp. A. Carlisle Co. Armanko Co. Pacific Deck Co. NO BID