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I agree.Omaha - April 3203.1 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt - (ce - Mr* Mr. Mr. Los Angeles: A. E. Stoddard R. M. Sutton E. E. Bennett - Los Angeles) Referring to your letter of March 3rd, regarding additional information to be considered in connection with an application for Increase in water rates at Las Vegas. Answer to question B-I-3 follows: Brief description of services rendered and work performed LVL&WCo. Accounting: Maintaining records and books (includes estimated cost for general administration of taxes, accounts and statistics)3,556.00 Clerical services in connection with lease of water facilities to LVL&WCo. 312.00 312.00 wA&SLRRCo. Total 3,556.00 Services and expenses of traveling representatives conducting annual audit of accounts at Las Vegas 277.00 277.00 Legal: Services of Mr. E. E. Bennett, review and handle contracts under rule 9a and construction contracts, etc. 1,800.00 Executive: General administrative management of Mr.Wm.Reinhardt, Viee President of both UPRR and LVL&WCo. 1,125.00 Engineering; Engineering department forces reviewing and preparing work orders 1,800.00 1,125.00 2,250.00 8.00 8.00