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I agree.Loe Angeles - January 18, 19^3 1-733* Nr. Q. P. Ashby: Request for LVL&W authority to oonstruot 1750' of 6", and 1380* of 2* water lines, Lae Vegas, under provisions of Rule 9-0, to serve Defense Housing Project approved by FHA providing for oonstruetion of 66 houses and involving expenditure of 95800 chargeable to Znveetaent. Lae Vegas Development Co. holds FHA authorisation erection 66 houses easterly of l4-th St. and between Clark and Carson Sts., Las Vegas, and has entered into oontraot far construction. Makes request that Water Co. enter into oontraot whereby Development Co. will oonstruot 66 houses and at its sxpsnse will oonstruot watsr lines serving sane under provisions of Rule 9-0, which requires Land Co. to refund oost of pipe lines, not exceeding 15800, upon completion of proJest. tion under Rule 9-0. Z am attaching duplicate-originals and two extra copies of proposed agreement. Which nay be exeouted by you or Nr. Jeffers subject to approval of the Board of Directors, for which Z will arrange. This is an authorised FHA project, and we have oblige* Z am forwarding to Nr. Prater with oopy of this letter data for preparation of APS. Prank-ftfrong 00 - Nr. B. H. Prater Nr. V. H. Guild Nr. C. I. Bennett Mr. V. R. Bracken