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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-435


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    SALARY RAISES Approved ARCHITECT FOR BATH HOUSE TENTATIVE SUB-DIVISION MAP McNeil Property - Section 5 Township 21, So., Range 61 E. MANGANESE ORE HOUSES to be situated in Residential Zones 1 and 2. BE IT RESOLVED, this 6th day of April, 1946, by the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, That the deed dated the 30th of March, 1946, executed by H. W. Polk, to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the real property described therein be and is hereby accepted for the purposes and intentions as therein set forth. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be attached to said deed and the same be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder, of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and filed in the records of this Board. Commissioner Clark moved that the Board approve the raise in salary of the telephone operator from $150 to $160 per month. Also a raise for the law clerk from $200 to $250 per month, $50 of the law clerk's salary to be paid from the Engineering budget, said raises to be effective as of April 16, 1946. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin, carried by the following voter Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark, Corradetti and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Clark moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with Richard Stadelman, as architect on the bath house at the swimming pool. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bates, carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark, Corradetti and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Bates moved that the revised tentative map of the McNeil Property, Section 5, Township 21, So., Range 61 E., be approved according to the recommendation of the Planning Commission, which are as follows. CONDITIONS 1. Streets A. Graded and surfaced - 30 feet minimum paving width. Such width may include 24' of pavement surface with 3' oil-penetrated shoulders. City Engineer to approve all profiles, sections and construction specifications. B. The Street indicated on the west boundary of this tract is not essential or necessary in the city street system and may he eliminated from the final sub-division map. G. Electrical All construction is to comply with specifications of City Engineer’s Office It is further recommended that the owner or developer of the sub-division shall, concurrently with the approval of a final sub-division map by the Board of City Commissioners, enter into an agreement with the City, agreeing to complete improvements designated. If the designated improvements have not been completed within an agreed period of time, and extension may be authorized at the discretion of the Board or the Board shall cause improvements to be completed in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid agreement. Such agreement should be secured by a good and sufficient performance bond or other negotiable guarantee, in an amount not in excess of the cost of the improvements, and approved by the Board of City Commissioners. Any application for the release of any such bond or guarantee shall be accompanied by a certificate by the City Engineer stating that all required improvement work has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the terms of said agreement and no such bond or guarantee should be released or returned until such a certificate shall first have been filed with the Board of City Commissioners. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark, carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Bates, Clark, Corradetti and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Bates moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the location of Manganese Ore houses be approved as follows: