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H E N R Y D A H L B E R G C O M P A N Y ESTABLISH ED 1 9 3 3 INVESTMENT SECURITIES 11 EAST PENNINGTON STREET T U C S O N , A R IZ O N A T e l e p h o n e 3 -0 5 1 8 T e l e t y p e TSN 9 8 1 November 27, 1950 MAILING ADDRESS P. O . BOX 5 1 5 2 W M . R. NOV 2 9 1950 Mr. W illiam Reinhardt, V ice P residen t Union P a c if ic R ailroad Company 422 West S ixth S treet Los Angeles, C a lifo r n ia Dear Mr. Reinhardt: For some tin e now we have been q u ie tly working w ith a c lie n t , who is in te re ste d ini the purchase o f your water p rop erty in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have been carryin g on these n e g o tia tio n s in more or le s s a con fid en t i a l manner sin ce we did n ot want anyone to fin d out about our a c t i v i t i e s . We now fin d out that your company has sent out a few brochures r e la t iv e to the Las Vegas water p rop erty , which we construe to mean that you are try in g to in te r e s t these p a rtie s in the purchase o f the water system. Unless you have given an op tion on the p rop erty to one o f these p a r tie s , we would app r e cia te having a copy o f th is brochure sin ce i t might a id us in our endeavors to secure a purchaser o f the p rop erty. Our f i l e s show that the water rates in Las Vegas, Nevada, are a f l a t rate regu la ted by law. We are wondering i f there has been any change in th is water ra te by amendment to the law sin ce we talk ed w ith you in Los Angeles la s t A p r il. This question is rather im portant should the p rop erty sta y in p riv a te hands. We have f e l t that i t would probably be b e tte r to work along the lin e s o f secu ring a p riv a te purchaser f o r your water p rop erty , sin ce we f e l t th a t the in te rn a tio n a l s itu a tio n would probably make i t im possible to tr y and work the water d i s t r i c t s itu a tio n out due to the u n a v a ila b ility o f p ip e and machinery n ecessary in the la rg e r p r o je c t . We hope th at our work to secure a buyer f o r the p rop erty has not been assuming too much on our p a rt, sin ce,w e gathered from our ta lk w ith you la s t Spring, th at your company was in te re ste d in d isp osin g o f th is p roperty i f they cou ld secure t h e ir p r ic e . M. C. WOODWARD, Manager M unicipal Department