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    & K . H A 0*-C i , 1932 > - '1 of Water to Wardie Addition Mr. Leo A. Me Names, Las Yogas, Nevada. Loa Angeles, Hot. 30, 1932 Dear Loo Upon receipt of copy o f your le t t e r o f November 28th ad­dressed to Mr. Walter B. Bracken, re lativ e to the sh ore,- I immed­ia te ly got In touch with Mr. H. B. M e rrill, Assistant Trust O f f i­cer of T itle Insurance & Trust Company o f Los Angeles, who has this matter in hand. Land and Development Company are not now and never have heen In the hands o f T it le Insuranee k Trust Company, th eir only connection being th eir authorisation to attest any papers executed by Bussiek under his power of attorney from the Edinburgh people. He also stated that they do not intend to send a representative to Las Yogas, nor are they in a position to go into conference regarding the Las Yogas business a ffa ir s o f South Nevada Land and Development Company, as they are not fam iliar with same. le tt e r received from Messrs. Shepherd k Weddsrbum, representa­tives o f South Nevada Land and Development Company at Edinburgh, Scotland, requesting T itle Insuranee k Trust Company, as their representative, to look a fte r the a ffa ir s o f the Company at Las Vegas, he replied by airm ail le t t e r suggesting that they employ attorneys at Las Vegas fo r that purpose. He stated that he has had no eommdnlcations from Stevens & Henderson whatever. matter u n til a fte r the hearing bef slon, which, 1 understand, w i ll be held at Las Vegas in the near future. However, unless you know o f some reason to tte contrary, I do not see why we should defer taking out execution on the two Judgments we already have and proceed to s e ll the property of the Land and Level opment Company to sa tisfy the same, as they have had ample time to pay these Judgments. I am In receipt o f copy o f le tte r addressed to Las Vegas Land and Water Company under date o f November 28th, signed, M ille r - Busiok Corporation by John F. M ille r, copy o f which you have, I would suggest that we take no action In the matter, and le t M ille r shut o f f the water i f he wants to, as I understand the cormeetlng hydrant is on the premises o f South Nevada Land and Development Co. cc— F.H .Knickerbocker M r — “ ?eken Mr. M e rrill advised me that the a ffa ir s o f South Nevada Mr. M e rrill advised me, however, that in response to a I think it would be w ell G. C. Barry F. K, XcNameo