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ION NEW JOB . . Undaunted by. loss of leg in hunting accident last winter. Mon­ty Stratton, for­mer ace hurler f o r C h i c a go ! JWhite Sox, hap- , i pily assumed his 1 * p new duties as I coach of Pale Hose as they |||||||S opened 1939 sea- I f i l s o n in Windy Wide Wo rid)| French ;ation FUTURE FARMERS Streamlined, mile-a-mmute com­fort tractor, equipped with radio, fan, mir­ror and lighter, stop­ped at smart New York club while en-route from Maryland to Goodrich farm equipment derby at World's Fair as Bar­bara Evans and Glen Gallagher s h o w e d how future fanners can run into town in same vehicles used to til) soil, r _____ Page Six Friday, 2, 193a OBSERVATIONS By CHARLES P. SQUIRES OUR MOUNTAIN AREAS T he people o f Las Y ogas are slow ly, hut surely, com ing to a realization o f the value o f our m ountain areas as a place, to live du rin g the hot sum m er m onths. F o r seven sum m ers now, w e have had a m ountain cabin at Deer- Creek P ark w here Mrs. Squires .spends each sum m er,'th e rest o f the; fam ily ev.;h. Saituday, afternoon and returning M onday m orning and occasion ally spending a n igh t there in the m iddle o f the wgek. B efore that we spent som e time, each sum­m er fo r a. considerable num ber o f years at Charleston Park. . It is quite safe to say that in all the w est there is no m ore delight­fu l m ountain forest region than that w hich covers Charleston Park, Lee Canyon and D eer Creeki Canyon. They are surrounded by tow erin g cliffs and high peaks w hich tow er m ore than eleven thousand feet above sea level, and clothed b y m ag­n ificen t pine forests w ith trees three or fou r feet in diam eter. DEER CREEK ? The desirability o f Deer Creek as a sum m er hom e area is g rea tly in­creased by the opening o f the now fou r—mile section, o f im proved high­w a y from the paved Charleston People and Spots in the late yg; j§|| n ni ip §gg| & gg FASHION TWIST . . . New­est trend in feminine fashions is toward turbans, expertly draped by the great modistes. This one follows style worn by ancient Abyssinian war­riors and is made of white chiffon jersey with hatpin of amethyst colored stones sur­rounded with simulated pearls. _____ DOCKED PERMA­NENTLY . . . Be­lieved victim of sabo­teurs, the 34,000-ton liner Paris is shown keeling over at her dock in H a v r e , France, after fire of undetermined origin had g u t t e d once r o u d flagship of line. Investi-has b e e n lunched to p l a c e - M — for disaster which cost life of one member of crew BIG START IN LIFE . . . Tipping the scales at 70 pounds and picking up weight at the rate of four pounds a month, Kenneth Johnson, 13- month-old Morgantown. Ky„ b^by, should become a mighty ‘ big’ man in America and he doesn’t seem pleased over the idea. LEADS TAX STUDY . . . At 82, Dr. Harriet B. Jones, West Virginia’s Grand Old Lady, adds a new activity —tax study—to her remarkable ca­reer. Credited with pioneering state’s first school playground, first tubercu­losis clinic and many other reforms, she now answers mail as leader of National Consumers Tax Commission unit in Glendale, W Va. P ark rp a d .to the top o f the ridge three m iles this side Of Deer CreekJ The new section was built by the CCC boys under directions o f th el N ational Park Service.. It is a w id el roadw ay on an easy grade and cu ts! out the . tiresome, steep n a rrow ! ..section o f old road w hich fo rm e rly ! caused radiators to boil and drivers | to fum e. The com pleted section is schedul­ed for oilin g in the near future w e I are told. In' the meantim e survey s I have been made and w ork w ill soon I be started extending the new road I from its present terminus, through I Deer- Creek P ark to Lee Canyon, I w here it vtflll connect w ith th el present paved highw ay. This will| provide a circle drive .of approxi­m ately 85 m iles from Las V egas to l Charleston Park, Deer Creek! a n d ! 'home again by w ay o f Lee Canyon [ w hich w ill enable parties to picnic I in the coolness o f m ountain forest, [ in places w here ideal cam ping spots I have been provided and equipped by I the Forest>.Service and to v iew som e I o f the m ost sublim e and ' beautiful [ desfert and mountain scenery Am erica. S U M M E R H O M E S The mo^sLimportant feature of our | mountain’ area is its convenience to Las Vpgas; fo r building siiiiim eil libm es, -within less than, .one hour’s )| drive from the city, w hich is croser and m ore convenient fo -us than the seashore is ’ to Los A ngeles. |§ in fron t o f* o u r ’ sum mer cabin at Deer Creek is a stream o f cryst&'L Aear, -pu£e w ater; j; sT-'puC- q f 1 he eternal snow s under the grgat es— | carpm ent o f “The Mummy V a d : cold as any ice wa,tervyou ever; saw. •• t tumbles down the "steep cai^| in a series ..of litt’ e falls; U f ling us , j tfo sleep at night and;.giving' dp cheery . .gi-Ceting, as it- sings, aiid] sparkles in the, . early siln of next'-$ m orning. And -the .sun does rise] b righ ter and earlier at Deer Creek ? than in any plate, I ever. saw. M c W lL L I A M S ; C O U N T R Y At Lee Canyon, w hich I alw ays think of> as “M cW i 11 i ams ’ C ountry’* vecause . Mr. 'and. Mrs. J. T 9 Me W ilt liam s have ow ned several thousand acres of the ch oicest forest area there since lon g before 1 cam e to . -As Vegas, is an ideal place fo r larger m ountain resor. develop^ ments such as we see; about B^ear Valley; in southern Caiifprnia. It has ' manv hundreds of acres o f gen tly rollin g m ountain slopes o vered' w ith : m agnificent, p a r k - like^ pine forests. . In Lee Canyon | he Park Service and the P W A are provid in g.a splen­did highw ay w hich isubeing pushed .lirbugh th e ' m ountains tow ard Death V alley as . rapidly as possible and w ill, one day, be part o f -an­oth er m agnificen t circle drive. ! There . is- lit,le or no- undergrow th Tn the Lee • Canyo,n area and the g rea t pines seem ideally planted for 1h e ^ cp Mg sum m er-hom e building'. W hich; - leads me to w onder why m ore people do not tak e advantage o f the present opportunity to buy cabin sites An either Lee Canyon or D eer Creek before prices -soar . to fr o n t-fo o t rates as in Bear Valley: and other southern C alifornia inbun-tain areas, not so easily reached from .th e centers o f population there as are our m ountain forests from Las Vegas. It w ill not be lon g before all chances o f ow ning you r °w u sum m er home in the m ountains w ill have vanished and the oppor­tunity le ft w ill be 't o rent site s/in governm ent controlled and regu­lated areas.