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I agree.September 9# 1952 Safeway Store# 122-132 South Second Las Vegas, Bev&da A tten tion * Mr* J. W.* Wilson Oentlemeni A recen t survey In dicated you are operating R e fr ig e r a tio n Machines having a t o t a l capacity o f 8| tons. Our Schedule o f Rates, e ffe c t iv e September 1, 1951» as approved by the Pu blic S ervice Commission, provides as fo llo w * Cooling la t e r f o r R e frig e ra tio n Machine - (a ) One-half ton machine, or le e s 13.00 (b ) Between § and 1-ton machine 3.50 (c ) For each ton o f ca p acity, or fr a c tio n th ereo f over one ton 1.50 H ereto fo re, your monthly b i l l o f flO .^5 per month included only $5.00 fo r r e fr ig e r a t io n s e r v ic e , whereas based upon the above rates the charge fo r th is service should have been $15.50 per month, or a t o t a l monthly b i l l o f 120.95. Attached is our in v o ic e f o r the balance due amounting to 18^.00 f o r the p erio d January 1, to and including August 31, 1952. W ill appreciate ea rly rem ittance* lours tr u ly , W* H* Johnson