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O f f i c e r s a n d D i r e c t o r s Th A S A . C A M P B E L L ' PRESIDENT S P E N C E R L . B U T T E R F I E L D VIC E - PR ESI DENT W I L L I A M C O U L T H A R D SECY ,-TREAS. H A R R Y E. M I L L E R J A M E S C A S H M A N J O H N B U N C H L A S V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D I S T R I C T 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 T H S T R E E T LAS VEGAS, NEVADA T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 to an estimated 45,000 acre feet. These figures can be worked into a very interesting, informative and constructive message with a series of graphic charts that might well be reproduced on television for the "captured" audience which KLAS-TV now affords. N O IT : The basic diagrams which would have to be prepared for television purposes could doubtless be utilized for newspaper, and possibly a direct mailing reproduction and distribution . D IRECT AAAI L IN G : I . Since the previous memorandum of August 25 concerning the election campaign exploitation, the Helen Wilt Direct Mailing Service has addressed the first set of envelopes which will be mailed to the list of property owners within the District-numbering approximately 9,080 names-furnished to the District by the County officials. Within the next few days it is planned to insert in these envelopes two mailing pieces as described below. An 8*" by 1 ]" sheet addressed to the property owner. In substance the message which this would carry would be approximately as follows— According to the Clark County Records you as a property owner within the boundaries of the Las Vegas Valley Water District are eligible to register to vote in the election which will be held on Wednesday, September 30, 1953, to approve a proposed $8,700,000 issue of bonds to finance bringing into Las Vegas and the surrounding area much needed Lake Mead water to supplement the rapidly diminishing supply of underground water. 5.