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    E. E. B E N N E T T G E N E R A L S O L IC IT O R ED W A R D C . R EN W IC K A S S IS T A N T G E N E R A L S O L IC IT O R M A LC O L M D A V IS G E N E R A L A T T O R N E Y ? R O B E R T C , C A R L S O N — J A C K W . C R U M L E Y , A S S I S T A N T G E N E R A L A T T O R N E Y D O N A L D M. L U;.- J H . Mr. Thomas A. Campbell, Las Vegas Valley Water DiPsrtersiicdtent L1a3s5 VSeoguatsh, FNoeuvratdha Street Dear Mr. Campbell: gas waItn ero rdseyrs tetom ptor omthpet lDyi sctormipclte tea ftteher atlrla npsafretri eosf atrhee pLrase paVree­d to open an escrow, it will be necessary for the sellers and the buyer to be able to agree on the amount of money to be paid by the District when the water system is transferred to in on the "insga lec odmaptlee"t.e d oSni ncteh e its alwei lld atbee fiomrp osaslli bleex petno dihtauvre est hem adaec coinu ntth­e period immediately prior thereto, it will undoubtedly be neces­sary for the Water Company and the District to agree upon an meesntti mwahteend ptrhie cef intao l bea cpcaoiudn tionng thfeo r sparlei ord ateex,p ensduibtjuercets toa nda dajpus­t­ptlhei caubsle e ofc raend itess tihamsa tebde epnr iccoem pliett ewdi.l l Haloswoe veber nteo cemasksea rypo sfsoirb lteh e parties to agree upon a date prior to which no adjustments in athlel opwu raclhl asteh e ppraicret iewsi llt o bek nmoawd ew itahf terera stohen abtlrea nscfeerrt.a inTthyi st hew ilal- mount of the ultimate purchase price at the time the transfer and payment of the estimated price are made. I documeIn tasm pernecplaorseidn g byt woo urc oApiuedsi toorf as hoswtiantge mwehnatt anthde spuuprpcohratsieng price would have been as of January 31, 1954, computed as p ro­vided in the contract of June 1, 1953. You will notice that dtheea vporri cteo fsou rnciosmhp uytoeud armeovuinstiso nst o of$ 2,t2hi9s7 ,1f1i6g.u1r4e. as Wea cwcioluln tienng­is completed for expenditures made in months subsequent to pJoarntuaanrty t31h,a t 19t5h4e. DisI traimc ts utgagkees tiinmgm edtioa tyeo u sttehpast tiot hias vev ertyhi sim­statement audited to the extent that they desire so all par- 422 W E S T S IX T H S T R E E T L O S A N G E L E S 14, C A L I F O R N I A April 20, 1954