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    A ft. M , '-A MAR 1 3 1930 / ? 431 P a c ific E le c t r ic B u ild in g , Los A n geles, C a lifo r n ia , March 12, 1930. A p p lica tion #8819 to change the p la ce and manner o f u se, Upper Cottonwood S prin g, superseding A p p lica tio n #7072. Io n . Geo. W. Malone, State Engineer, Carson C ity , Nevada. Bear .Sirs Bader the perm it issu ed in the above e n t it le d m atter to change the manner and p la ce o f use o f the w aters o f Upper Cottonwood Spring, the R a ilroa d Company i s requ ired to f i l e p r o o f o f commencement o f work b e fo re A p ril 1 , 1930, p ro o f o f com pletion o f work b e fo r e A p ril 1 , 1931, and p r o o f o f a p p li­ca tion o f water to b e n e fic ia l use b e fo r e A p ril 1 , 1932. Bader perm it #7072, o r ig in a lly granted f o r th is w ater, we f i le d p ro o f o f commencement o f work, and during December 1927 we f i l e d a ffid a v it o f com pletion o f work, and f o r more than two yea rs la s t p ast we have made f u l l and continuous use o f the waters from th is sou rce, and are ready a t th is time t o f i l e p r o o f o f a p p lica tio n o f wsfc e r t o a b e n e fic ia l use under perm it #8819. f i l e p ro o f o f a p p lic a tio n o f t h is water to a b e n e fic ia l use {w ithout f i l i n g p r o o f o f commencement o f work and p ro o f o f com pletion o f work, which have lon g sin ce been completed and f i l e d under o r ig in a l a p p lic a t io n ). Please advise I f i t w il l be in order fo r us to now Tours very t r u ly , PRM-MK F. R. MeNamee cc Mr* A. S. Halsted Mr, Leo A. MeNamee Mr. R. L. Adamson