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However, it might be well to again emphatically state that the Board agreeably with the demand of the people, purposes to purchase you distribution facility if negotiations ultimately lead to your submitting your facility at a fair price, which is suggested you do without further delay; otherwise, it is proposed to build an entirely new facility for the distribution of power to the inhabitants of the City of Las Vegas,. By the authority of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County Nevada. L.L. Arnett_________ Mayor. Vote was as follows: Commissioners Marble, Ward, and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. On motion of Commissioner Marble seconded by Commissioner Ward the following slot machine licenses were granted. Applications being in proper form and money on file with the City clerk to cover the same. J.M. Sills for Wimpy's 2 machines White Spot Cafe 3 " Vegas Sweet Shoppe 24 " L.L. Arnett 42 " Jack Weisberger 1 " Mayme Stocker 1 " Vote was as follows Commissioners Marble and Ward and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Marble seconded by Commissioner Ward the following beverage and liquor licenses were granted, Applications being in proper form and money on file with the Clerk to cover the same. J.A. Mortensen, retail beverage 5½%, 126 So. 1st St. J.A. Mortensen, retail sealed package liquor, 126 So. 1st St. J.P. Johnson, 113 No. 1st St. retail beverage 5½% F.C. Hale, Tavern, 124 So. 1st St. Vote was as follows: Commissioners Marble, Ward and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes none. On motion of Commissioner Ward seconded by Commissioner Marble it was moved and carried that the City Clerk be directed to write to G.E. Bodell in Boulder City and ask that he met with the Board of City Commissioners at the Apache Hotel for lunch Thursday the 17th day of October, to discussion matters of importance with the inter city police problems. Vote was as follows: Commissioners Marble and Ward and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Friday the 18th day of October, 1935 at the hour of seven thirty o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA OCTOBER 18th, 1935 Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada held on the 18th, day of October 1935 at the hour of seven thirty o'clock P. M. Roll call showed the following present, Mayor L. L. Arnett, Commissioners, Jas. H. Down, H. P. Marble, David Farnsworth, M. E. Ward, City Attorney Ryland G. Taylor and Deputy City Clerk Le Roy Whipple. Absent City Clerk Viola, Burns:: At this time a request from the local Chamber of Commerce that the City Commission use such influence as needed to impress upon our Congressmen to secure the necessary aid in the erection of our local school building. After some discussion on the matter a motion was made by Commissioner Marble, Seconded by Commissioner Ward that any action of going further in the way of sending telegrams to our Congressmen and Senators, be deferred until a subsequent meeting of the Board. Vote on same being, Commissioners, Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward and His Honor the Mayor Voting Aye., Noes, None. A letter was read, which was received from Mr. M. C. Tinch, Chairman of the Local Fight Committee of the American Legion, wherein an invitation was extended to the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners to attend the local prize fights. Commissioner Marble moved that the City Clerk's office be instructed to write to Mr. Tinch thanking him for the invitations to attend the fights and accepting such invitation to attend. This motion was seconded by Commissi oner Dave Farnsworth, and vote on same being as follows; Commissioners Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward and His Honor the Mayor Voting Aye., Noes, None. A motion was made by Commissioner Marble and Seconded by Commissioner Down to instruct the City Attorney to draft letters of invitation to Mr. W. F. Snider or such other proper officials of the various smelting and refining companies (with the Mayor's signature and to ascertain and secure such, or any information that might be necessary or conductive to such companies in getting them to locate here in the future. Vote was as follows: Commissioners Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward and His Honor the Mayor Voting Aye., Noes, None.