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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-381


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    352 U OPERATING EXPENSE LIBRARY 70 Actual Projected, Recommended Function Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures __________ 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60________ Administration .01 41,057.07 40,925.00 49,216.00 Buildings .02 _______________ 4,083.00 4,932.00_____ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 41,057.07 T 54,148.00 T ________________ 45,008.00 T ________________ CAPITAL OUTLAY OFFICE EQUIPMENT Steelcase Typewriter Desk (1) 192.00 4-Drawer Legal Files @117.73 (2) 235.00 4-Drawer Legal File - Lock (1) 130.00 Counter-height shelving (3) 245.00 2-Tray Cabinet (1) 51.00 Chairs (12) @34.00 102.00 Dictionary Stand 136.00 Magazine Rack 273.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,308.56 T 1,364.00 T _____________ 1,000.00 T ________________ DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL 43,365.63 T 55,512.00 T _______________ 46,008.00 T ________________ PERSONNEL SCHEDULE LIBRARY 70 Title Authorized Employed Budget ______ 1958-59 12-31-58 1959-60 City Librarian 1 1 1 Librarian 1 1 1 Library Assistant 3 3 3 Steno Clerk 1 1 1 Custodian 1 1 1 Part Time Library Page 2 ____2 2 TOTAL 9 9 9 SALARY SCHEDULE Title Monthly Salary _______ Range________ City Librarian 427.00 - 513.00 Librarian 338.00 - 407.00 Library Assistant 282.00 - 338.00 Steno Clerk 258.00 - 308.00 Custodian 258.00 - 308.00 Part-Time Library Page 138.00 - 165.00 OPERATING EXPENSE PARK DEPARTMENT 80 Actual Projected Recommended Function Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures _________ 1957-58_______ 1958-59 1959-60________ Administration .01 33,586.45 25,965.00 29,391.00 Lawns .02 47,595.21 62,499.00 70,747.00 Trees & Shrubs .03 8,065.11 8,207.00 9,289.00 Clean-up .04 10,651.04 7,634.00 8,640.00 Flower Shows .05 1,706.51 1,853.00 2,098.00 Street Plantings .06 1,705.34 7,262.00 8,220.00 Cemetery Lawns .07 13,133.88 17,361.00 19,650.00 Cemetery Trees and Shrubs .08 540.96 2,209.00 2,500.00 Cemetery Monument Setting .09 2,616.38 1,660.00 1,878.00 Cemetery Interment .10 16,497.51 18,139.00 20,533.00 Cemetery Clean-up .11 2,245.97 3,947.00 4,467.00 Buildings-Park .12 3,664.00 2,078.00 Zoo Keeping 167.18 Buildings-Cemetery .13 _________ 2,078.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 138,511.54 T 181,569.00 T _________________ 160,400.00 T ________________