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• m i ' { •;? 1 LAS YE&3 LAUD and 7ATEB CQlRlirr 3eieral Balance Sheet i i <aiktfjjM.' ii.Bil mT «*.S 11 - is r a n r a r s ffg - 1. Beal Bat ate - Unimproved 1-1 Beal Estate Owned Outside of Claris-a LoV» Towns it e 26 1-2 Unsold tots Clark*s Lae Vegas Tovmsite 725.00 1-3 investment in Physical Property - California 212 Total Beal Estate - UrAnprovsd 2o Improved Beal Estate and lilac el lane crus Property 2-1 Four Boom Cottagss 60 625.43 2-2 Five Boom Cottages 66 166.98 2-3 Booming Bouse 32 122.65 2-4 Roaming Bouse Equipment S 929.51 Linen 382.39 Blankets, Comforts, etc* 349o45 Fneniture, etc. 3197.67 2-5 Hospital Building 441.50 2-6 Office Equipment 796.96 Office Furniture aid Kiscel. Property 796.96 2-7 Water system 16 509.86 2-6 Electric Distributing System 2 770.13 I f 2-9 Work Shop 265 .31 2-10 Work Shop Equipment 456.05 Work Tools, etc. 454.05 2-11 Water Service Connections 1 Total Improved Beal Estate & Else el. Property 3. Investment in Stocks ' : 3-1 Anaheim Union Water Co. Cournot: Capital Stock 975.00 TOTAL IIVB3TM37T3 CORRECT ASSETS 4. Material and supplies 444.96 4-1 Material on Bard 5. Cash 5-1 Treasurer 17 6* Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable $ 736.17 6-1 B ills Collectible i 6-2 Wo B. Bracken, Agent - Collections i Total Current Assets 7. Other Deferred Assets 7-1 Advances for Construction of Employes Cottages 7-2 Town site Contrasts Total Deferred Assets j B . W a te r F r a n o h ia e Zspor-se E l e c t r i c I t ig b t S y ste m F r a n c h is e 10. I n s u r a n c e Premiums P a i d in A d van ce T o t a l U n a d ju s te d D e b i t s • n