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Lint Vef&s « W 23-X-125 w m a~— — 11111 ®# B y l i I f . Jesses K* BQahgeM? y i isrtii assdena, £?«i*r ??:r. MontfaMgri bcc: Mr. Wei* Reinhardt Mr. E. E. Bennett On M f 5# 1953# f ile f 2>1-125* X wrote M , m m m A. S m beil* Chuiraea, "fk?; off Btrestses, Las Wo^m W m m w»t#r CleVr&ot* submitting ooplm off w drawing 1*423 dated June 23* vJ-1953 and three espies of our Qetell off aittoeted Supsadlttirs* dated Jtm© 26, 1953, both of wMeh refer to proposed ® l « l s i of v&ter name to serve Homing Vise Heights sum l vision at teg&s, seeede, fhi« subelsalon severed proposed const motion if water tta&ns te serve the entire Stdadlwlston of IMMdMff Vie* eight* and was *b the h&eie of the fluhdivider dqpteM ef with the Water M m mm% plm H P sad the in te r Cepst'any in sta llin g th# water m A m under tears# of star M l few ef BiAe 9 wgrom m % * Subsequent to le tte r of July f* the Subdivide!5 emseeaatered financial difffftswitie® nmd decided net W tb develop th* entire Subtil vision and file d & sew Subdivision \\ifc fa r m lf % portion of the doM itlnlen, vhieh is m m retarded y k w i l# known as Naming flew M g h te tfent Bo. 1 end vhieh (inolude* only 22 lo ts of the eri^inal proponed stbdieieleA* In wire of the abets, the Sabdiwider hue now requested a ©hang* in the basis fo r ©one tract ion o f water m A m tra m hails of deposit by dahdlsidsr m & n o m t r m t im toy Wm%m Q m pw m to the basis iff ear m m l foam of a m t r m t m m tfm the Suto&lwlder will oonstrwat the water mlxm under private oentwot at Id# expense in aooordanee with the terns of our usual fom of refu«n*d» rn^pmmmU fo r that basis. S o u n d e r ha* also requested that instead of oonstreotins wstsr mins to serve the entire original subdivision that 'the p ra p m a A water tm Xm toe m m tn m tm i to serve only that -portim of the iuM iw ltiiin ®* provided fo r in M s revised nap for Vwet is* 1.