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I agree.States* nt of any additional items which trill cause an Increase in capital aooeunt or in operating e x p e n s e s ia the year 19^1 of reword ia the Accounting Department Unexpended balances on authorised projects as of December water m? i-UnKt mit H it « it H 9 Begoription Desert Park ftldgevlew Tract Paradise Village Beverly Green Tract Tract 1, Weetleigh Addition Boulder Bam Homes!t« Addition Desort Park Tract 3*a 1950* Amount Projects authorised in 1951g 3*32609^ % 16q oO0 %550eOO 608e79 196050 15pBS0o00 6 g o e o o 970ki00 * 32, 6680*3 Construct 1190 fta of 8* and 1290 fto of 6K e„lQ water wains to Serve 8e» l A Block Je Nco l/ S of Block 4 and Blook f of Southrldge Addition Construct 1100 ft. of 8” and 25OQ ft* of 6® C01O wator wains to serve residential property in West Side District Construct 250 ft. of 8® and 612 fto of 6** CoIG water wains» also 122 ft* of 6* CeIc water m i n for fire hydrant to serve Aawronee h@ve Tract Total icrease in salaries at las Ve@a«r per months Superintendent Assistant to General Manager General Manager General Attorney # 3ho67 W)o32 50o00 2 *)o00 90^50gOO #58?952o23 ? 1 5 M 9 Cfeaaha, HehraakaP March 2,, 1951 ?