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% APPEN D IX A P E R F E C T IO N OF TITLE TO CERTAIN LANDS OR OBTAINING OF CERTAIN EASEMENTS 39. BMI a g rees to take any m ea su res n e c e s s a r y to obtain a good and su fficien t title or easem ent in, to, o v e r, a c r o s s or under any lands re q u ir e d fo r the op eration and m aintenance of any p ortion of the W ater F a c ilitie s re q u ired to d eliv er water fo r and on beh alf o f the W ater D is tr ic t. RIGHTS OF PARTIE S 40. Nothing contained in this agreem en t shall be con stru ed as in any m anner abridging, lim itin g, or deprivin g the p a rties h ereto, or eith er of them , of any m eans of en forcin g any rem ed y, either at law or in equity fo r the b re a ch of the p rov isio n s h e re o f w hich said p a r tie s , or eith er o f them , would have. The w aiver of a b re a ch of any of the p r o v isio n s of this agreem en t shall not be deem ed to be a w aiver of any p r o v isio n s h e re o f, or of any other subsequent b re a ch of any p ro v isio n s h e re o f, and the w aiver of a b re a ch of any of the p ro v is io n s of this a g r e e m ent shall not be deem ed to constitute an in terp retation of said p ro v is io n or of any other p ro v is io n h ereof w hich shall be binding upon the p a rtie s , or eith er of them . PA RTIE S TO BE BOUND 41. This agreem en t shall be binding upon the p a rties h ereto, their agents, s u c c e s s o r s and a ssig n s. NOTICES 42. The orig in a l and co p ie s, if any, o f any n o tice , dem and or req u e st re q u ire d or authorized by this agreem en t to be given or m ade shall be d e liv e re d or m a iled postage p rep a id to the p a rties at the fo llo w ing a d d re ss e s: (1) W ater D is trict: P re sid e n t, L as V egas V a lley W ater D is tr ic t L as V ega s, Nevada (2) B M I: S e cre ta ry , B a s ic M anagem ent, In c. , H enderson, Nevada A - I 6 -