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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Onion School District hOl S o u t h Ninth Street Post Office Box 551 Las Vegas, Nevada bcc: Wra. Reinhardt E. E. Bennett Attentions Mr, George E. Harris Assistant Superintendent Las Vegas - October 8, 1953 i 26 Gentlemen: Please refer to your letter dated October 1, 1953* making inquiry as to whether or not the Water Company will be able to furnish water to proposed new high school plant to be construoted on **G acre parcel of ground immediately east of the Las Vegas Cemetery, In view of the vote of approval given Water Bonds in recent bond election, it is anticipated that the Las Vegas Valley Water District will acquire ownership of the facilities of the Water Company within the near future and it is therefor suggested that you address your inquiry to Mr. Thomas A, Campbell, Chairman, Board of Directors, Las Vegas Valley Water District, 135 South 4th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. Very truly yours, LHM:rr L, R* Maag