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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-443


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    payment within the said year, the escrow holder is hereby instructed to return the Deed above mentioned to the City of Las Vegas and cancel this transaction. It is further under­stood and agreed that in the event this agreement is cancelled and the said deed is returned to the City of Las Vegas, then, and in such event, the City of Las Vegas shall keep and retain the Four Hundred Twenty ($420.00) Dollars heretofore paid to the City of Las Vegas as rental for the use and occupation of the said premises during the said period. Witness our hands this 4th day of March, 1936. Purchaser The City of Las Vegas a Municipal Corporation, Clark County, Nevada. Its mayor. BY____________________________ Its City Clerk Seller. Vote on the above resolution was Commissioners Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward, and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent none. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed and adjourned until Thursday the 5th day of March, 1936 at the hour of Three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. MARCH 5th, 1936. Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 5th day of March, 1936 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Roll call showed the following present Mayor Arnett, Commissioners Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward, City Attorney and City Clerk. Mr. A.L. Worswick appeared before the Board in regard to the City decorating the streets of the City of Las Vegas during "HellDorado Week" April 23-34-25-26, 1936. He was assured that the City would co-operate with the Elk's Lodge in the giving of the said "Helldorado" in every way it possibly could. This was the time set for the hearing of the appeal of Frank Lancaster for the restoration of his license to operate a tavern which had hereto had been revocated. This hearing was held informally and at its close after listening to several witness for both Mr. Lancaster and the City the Mayor informed Mr. Lancaster that the Board of Com­missioners did not see fit to restore his license for the operation of a tavern. The application of The Acme Distributing Company for license to operate a wholesale beverage establishment was presented to the Board for consideration. Application being in proper form and money on file with the Clerk to cover the same. On motion of Commissioner Ward seconded by Commissioner Marble it was moved and carried that the wholesale license be granted the Acme Distributing Company. Vote was Commissioners Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed and adjourned until Wednesday the 11th day of March, 1936 at the hour of seven o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. MARCH 11th, 1936. Minutes of a recessed and adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 11th day of March, 1936, at the hour of seven o'clock P.M. Roll call showed the following present, Mayor Arnett, Commissioners Down, Farnsworth, Marble and Ward. City Attorney and City Clerk