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Swift, Joan L.


Joan Swift served as Clark County Recorder for nearly twenty years: 1974-1993. Born in Wisconsin, she moved to Las Vegas during World War II. Although she initially began work at the recorder's office at age 18 - she left to marry and raise two sons until they were of school age. She returned in 1955 and worked there until her retirement in 1993. The office underwent many changes under tenure with regard to technology as well as a huge increase in recordings because of the growth in population. In addition to her job responsibilities, Joan was active professionally in organizations such as the County Fiscal Officers Assoc., Women's Democratic Club of Clark County, American Society for Public Administrators. In 1992 she was named Public Official of the Year by the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks (NACRC). Her early history can be found in the personal memoirs she included in the collection. A good history of the Clark County Recorder's office including a bio of Joan is available at :