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Schwartz, Priscilla, 1938-


Priscilla (Kahn) Schwartz was born to Hyman and Elizabeth Kahn, August 3, 1938 in Buffalo, New York. Schwartz became the first member of her family to graduate from college when she received her degree in nursing from the University of Michigan.

In 1960, Schwartz took her first job in Palo Alto, California, at a newly-opened Department of Veterans Affairs office. She then moved to Los Angeles, California to be the head nurse of the psychiatric ward at Cedars of Lebanon. However, within a year, she moved back to Buffalo, only to return to Los Angeles two years later, when she then met her first husband, Marvin, and had two children. In 1990, Schwartz married Walter Schwartz, and the couple moved to Las Vegas within a year.