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Toston, Roosevelt


Roosevelt Toston was born May 7, 1942 and raised in Epps, Louisiana, He moved to Las Vegas, Nevada at the age of 15 to live with his brother after his father's death. He graduated from Las Vegas High School and the first jobs he held were at the Fremont Hotel and the Nevada Test Site.

Attending Dana McKay's School of Business changed the course of Toston's life, and he used the skills he developed there at Bell Telephone of Nevada and in the military. A correspondence course in broadcasting led Toston to jobs at TV stations 3 and 8, and ultimately to a position with the Convention Authority in the area of tourism marketing.

Toston worked with the Convention Authority with many people and organizations that helped further black participation in the Las Vegas tourism industry. He continued to deal with visitors to Las Vegas through his consulting business. He was also involved with fundraising projects, exhibits honoring African-Americans in the gaming and hospitality industry, and golf tournaments in conjunction with conferences, among many other endeavors.