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Gregory, Mollie


Mollie Gregory is a filmmaker and writer from Los Angeles, California. After graduating from the Cinema School of New York University with Bachelor's and Master's degrees, she began her career as a documentary film writer and producer. Her earlier works focused on poverty and women's issues, including Songs from the Fourth World, Off the Edge, Welfare: Exploding the Myths, and Cities are for People.

Gregory also held positions in several organizations, including president of Women in Film, Poets, Playwrights, Essayists, and Novelists West (PEN); the International Writers Organization; and vice president of the International Quorum of Motion Picture Producers. Gregory was also a member of Writers Guild of America and a trustee for the Women in Film Foundation.

Gregory taught film at the University of Southern California, San Francisco State University, and California State University, Northridge, focusing on screenwriting, documentary film writing, and production. In the early 1970s, she conducted a series of interviews with Nevada residents and politicians as part of her documentary film work.