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Booth, W. I.


W. (William) I. Booth was a photographer, mining company president, and real estate agent in Goldfield, Nevada. Booth operated a photography gallery and studio in the Weber Building on Main Street in Goldfield. He worked in the field photographing views of Goldfield, its mines, and surrounding areas. He also did portrait work in his studio, which opened in 1904. During this time, he also sold residential lots in the Ramsey Addition of Goldfield, which at the time adjoined the townsite to the east and south. In 1905, he became president of the Shoshone Bullfrog Mining Company, which operated seven claims in the Bullfrog Mining District of Nevada.


"Local News Nuggets." The Goldfield News, September 30, 1904. Accessed October 14, 2019.

Michel, Peter. "Exhibit Highlight - Images in Silver: Photography of Goldfield, America’s Last Great Gold Rush." June 2, 2014. Accessed October 11, 2019.

"News of Bullfrog." The Goldfield News, March 24, 1905. Accessed October 14, 2019.