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Newsom, Donna


Donna Newsom was born November 06, 1932 and spent her childhood in Georgia and Florida. Her family moved many times, following her father’s work opportunities. Newsom had a close relationship with her father and the two had many adventures together.

After graduating from high school, Newsom earned a nursing degree at the Macon Hospital School of Nursing. Her career began at age 19 with a year of working at Macon Hospital as a graduate nurse, she then made plans to leave the South. She answered an ad to work at a Girl Scout camp in Colorado, and her roommate there became a mentor and one of her staunchest supporters.

With help from her mentor, Newsom went on to earn a teaching degree in Austin, Texas, where she met and married her husband Sam in 1957, and got involved in real estate. Sam and Newsom loved Las Vegas, Nevada from the moment they moved there in 1990. Newsom stays active tutoring in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and working for the Salvation Army women’s auxiliary.