Yorko Kagafas was born in Columbus, Ohio, got his degree at Ohio State University, served in the United States Navy, and earned a master’s degree in Environmental Planning from Arizona State University.
Kagafas came to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1999. His background complemented his new job which was to implement the Neighborhood Planning Process, a proactive system for Las Vegas communities to express their neighborhood desires prior to a developer coming in with their own agenda.
Kagafas moved to into the John S. Park Neighborhood because he was attracted to its central location, intact residential neighborhood, and homes with character at affordable prices. While walking his dog one day, he met neighborhood leader, Bob Bellis, and became aware of neighborhood activism that could use his expertise. Kagafas, Bellis, and others were able to rally the homeowners and became an example of how the Neighborhood Planning Process should work. The process officially began March 14, 2000. In June 2001, the Las Vegas City Council approved the final document.