Lawrence Earl Hawley was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 07, 1929 to Rollo Earl and Margaret Ella Hawley. His family moved to Ely, Nevada in 1931. He moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1941 and became an attorney. During his interview, he talks about the Hoover Dam and while it was being build.
Bunny Harris was born on November 21, 1920 in Snyder, Texas. Her father was William P. Longbotham and her mother was B. Elizabeth Patterson. Harris moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1944. Harris has worked as a book-keeper, sales supervisor, real estate booker, and account clerk.
Vivian Harwell was born in Texarkana, Arkansas to James A. Thomas and Lula Alice Wheeler. Harwell moved to Nevada with her husband in May of 1946. Harwell was married in September of 1941.
William George Hanson was born on September 25, 1937 in Huntington Park, California. Hanson's parents are Harry and Nola Hanson. Hanson moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1938. While in Las Vegas he worked as a Title Insurance agent.
Vincent Hart was born on July 07, 1945 in Jersusalem, Palestine. He moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1966.
For Kelly Benavidez (b. 1976), life began in the northern California community of Daly City in a Spanish-speaking household. Her parents, Amelia and Genaro Benavidez, were among the few Latinos in their area at the time. Her parents felt strongly about immersing Kelly and her older brother in their Mexican culture. They made the important decision to return to Jalisco, Mexico with their young children.
Linera was born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. She earned her B.A. in Communications at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazon in Puerto Rico. In Las Vegas she has worked for Telemundo 39 and Univision as news reporter and producer.