The black and white view of Mayme Stocker, two unidentified men, and an unidentified woman at the Hotel Last Frontier in Las Vegas, Nevada. The photo is inserted in an embossed souvenir folio from the Hotel Last Frontier. June 11, 1945 is stamped on the back of the folder.
Mayme Stocker, George Larson (Harold Stocker's slot mechanic), Pearl Grizuil (hostess from New York), Harold stocker, Geraldine Stocker, and Nadine Ford (Mayme Stocker's live-in companion) in at a dinner party.
Charles Fairlamb (attorney from Delta, Colorado), Lowell Stockman (Congressman from the 3rd District in Oregon), Senator Bricker (Ohio), Geraldine Stocker, Skyler Fairlamb (Ruth Cahlan's cousin), Harold Stocker, Mrs. Harrod (Geraldine Stocker's mother), Mayme Stocker, Dorcus Stockman, Ethel Fairlamb, Charlotte ? , Ethel Fairlamb's daughter at a dinner at the Royal Nevada.