Black and white image of school children in front of the Boulder City Elementary School, now the home of City Hall, located at 401 California Avenue in Boulder City. Four hundred of the 550 enrolled pupils are seen in front of the school.
Black and white image of a typical privy used by the school children of Boulder City in their first residential schools. It was later replaced by a federal sewage disposal system.
Black and white image of one of three residences used as one of Boulder City's first schools. Inscription on back of image reads: "This was a Six Companies house at the intersection of Avenue B and what was then Cherry Street, now New Mexico Street; also, this wasn't quite the first school: there were schools for rail yard, a school at Railroad Pass, and a school in McKeeversville/Lakeview."
Black and white image showing a portion of Boulder City from Water Tank Hill. This photo is significant because it shows the Babcock & Wilcox Company housed under construction in the middle distance.
Black and white image of Walker R. Young (right) and an unidentified individual standing beside a Department of the Interior/Bureau of Reclamation vehicle. Young was chief construction engineer on the Hoover Dam Project (Boulder Canyon Project) for the Bureau of Reclamation. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.
Black and white image showing an upstream view of Black Canyon from a point on its Nevada side, approximately a half mile below the Hoover Dam construction site. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.
Black and white image of the eight cubic yard capacity bucket discharging a load into the upstream face of Hoover Dam. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.
Black and white image of Hoover Dam as seen from the control tower of the 150-ton cableway on the Nevada rim of Black Canyon. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.