Oral history interview with Lillie and Johnny Smith conducted by Claytee D. White on October 19, 2023 for the African Americans in Las Vegas: a Collaborative Oral History Project. In this interview, the couple recalls meeting in Tallulah, Louisiana and marrying in 1973. In 1986, they relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada. Both Lillie and Johnny went to Job Corp and received training that they insist changed their lives and the trajectory of their family. Johhny learned how to drive and operate heavy machinery, and his job at Republic Services utilizes those skills. Lillie became a social worker after obtaining a master's degree.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Francisco Miranda conducted by Claytee D. White on January 28, 2022 for the Latinx Voices of Southern Nevada Oral History Project. In this interview, describes his large family and growing up on the Eastside of Las Vegas and spending summers in Mexico on the family farm. Miranda is an organizer, business agent, and political coordinator for the Teamsters Union. He describes coming from a "union family" - his mother in Culinary and father in the Laborers Union. He shares how despite not completing high school, he started at the Teamsters in 2014, soon became a shop steward, and in 2016 when a 10-week stike was called, he worked as strike captain coordinating the line of picketers. Afterwards, he became Chief Steward and was then hired to work with the Teamsters.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Shannon Rabb conducted by Claytee D. White on December 20, 2022 for the African Americans in Las Vegas: a Collaborative Oral History Project. In this interview, Rabb describes her experience living in the Herbert Gerson Housing Development on the Westwide of Las Vegas. She describes it as safe, as community, and as protection from the police. In this interview, Rabb discusses a wide variety of topics including gangs, drugs, Westside businesses, and family with an expanded definition.
Archival Collection
The Las Vegas Board of City Commissioners Records Regarding Water Supply (1927-1940) include correspondence, resolutions, petitions, application for a permit, and newspaper clippings. The records concern water shortages in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada due in part to wasteful water usage and many of the documents refer to City Ordinance No. 247. Several items are signed by Walter R. Bracken, Vice President and Agent of the Company, and A. M. Folger, Assistant Agent.
Archival Collection
The Artemus W. Ham Family Papers (1857-1970) contain postcards written by family members, newspaper clippings about the Ham family, and a Nevada Senate Concurrent Resolution memorializing Artemus W. Ham, Sr. Also included are genealogy notes, a commencement program from Michigan Law School, and membership cards of Artemus W. Ham, Sr.
Archival Collection
The George W. Malone Papers (1928-1933) consist of one bound volume of letters, documents, speeches, reports, and maps pertaining to Malone's positions as: Nevada State Engineer; National Executive Committeeman for the American Legion; President, Association of Western Engineers; Secretary, Colorado River Commission; member, Nevada State Range Commission.
Archival Collection
The Cynthia Ortiz Collection on Election Campaigns in Nevada (1967-2006) is comprised of published campaign materials for candidates running for office locally, regionally, and state-wide in Nevada. Other materials include Democratic National Party publications regarding general political issues, scrapbooks, and election campaign ephemera such as T-shirts, pins, and bumper stickers.
Archival Collection
The Mary Edna Brown Clement Papers (1956) contain a manuscript of Clement's poetry, correspondence to Clement, and a musical score of the song "Dark water" dedicated to Clement.
Archival Collection
The Stephen Powell Bibliography of Gaming Books Held by UNLV, 1972 consists of Powell's manuscript cataloging the gambling related books of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas library system at that time. The manuscript accounts for all the gambling books held by UNLV and categorizes each under its corresponding type of gambling. A bound published version of his book can be found in UNLV Special Collections.
Archival Collection
The Las Vegas Ambassadors Collection (1968-1985) primarily consists of a scrapbook, newspaper articles, and photographs documenting the activities of the Las Vegas Ambassadors youth singing group. The materials were compiled by Harry LaFavor, the Ambassadors' business manager, who co-founded the group with Norman Kaye and Richie Astone to promote a positive image of Las Vegas. The collection also includes a songbook, vinyl record and ¼” tape recording, and promotional materials.
Archival Collection