Robert V. Newman was a film studio exective who worked with Paramount Pictures, Samuel Goldwyn Productions, and Howard Hughes. Born on July 21, 1903 in New Haven, Connecticut, he produced broadway shows before arriving in Hollywood, California in 1942 to assist in film production. In 1972, he was hired as a general manager within Hughes' corporations. Newman died on April 26, 1982 in Los Angeles, California.
Howard Hawks was a director and screenwriter who worked on Howard Hughes films including Scarface. He was born May 30, 1896 in Goshen, Indiana as Howard Winchester Hawks, and died December 26, 1977 in Palm Springs, California.
“Howard Hawks.” Find a Grave. August 19, 1998. Accessed September 17, 2020.
Jack Allender Buetel was an actor known for his roles in western films, including the Howard Robard Hughes Jr. film The Outlaw (1943), where he co-starred with Jane Russell. He was born September 5, 1917 in Dallas, Texas and died June 27, 1989 in Portland, Oregon. His last name is often misspelled Beutel instead of Buetel.
“Jack Beutel.” Find a Grave. October 24, 2002. Accessed September 17, 2020.