Of course this is more serious than our darling is as a rule but she was trying to understand the artist's [aunties?]!! I am sure you will need consolation when this reaches you but rejoice for us that your loss is our gain,. One great objection to our good old U.S.A. is its size. I really believe Mary and Joan will be happy and comfy here. It is almost country life and we will do all we can for them. The [Addisons?] is written on the back of the holiday postcard.
Written on back of photograph: "Taken October 2, 1900 in the Mediterranean cost near Mersin, Turkey - Looks like I have jeans on. That is the camel saddle. I have on a dress. Notice the bell on the saddle in the front of me. The Turk happens to be a modern one. Velma [Bradley?]"
Written on back of photograph: "Thanks so much for your long newsy letter. Did your folks go to Colorado? We are coming to L.V. Sunday for a week. Jimmy and I are our of school for 2 weeks, and [Bandy?] is taking a week's vacation. Was surprised to hear about Mary Jane and glad Pauline is enjoying herself. [Earl?] sent me the photo of Grammy from the paper. Your new suit sounds lovely. Sorry to hear about Mrs. Woodbury. Thanks, for the clipping about the [Arm's?] and Gatewoods. When are you flying to Florida? How is Dr. [Seavin?] by now? I [had?] a little from Mrs. Brown. Know they will enjoy the family reunion. Jimmy will be ring-bearer at his teacher's son's wedding tomorrow. Rehearsal is tonight. He can hardly wait for Santa to come so he can open his presents. We have our tree up and lights outdoors. See you. Love, B."
People (identified as: Mrs. Lee [one] of this; [W.G.?] Stone, [unidentified], Mrs. Ferris, [unidentified], Mrs. C. P. Ball, [unidentified]) in period costumes.
People (identified as Mrs. Lee [one] of each. Mrs. Ferris, Mrs. M. C. [Thoreau?], Mrs. C. P. Ball, Mrs. Dell M. [Broth?], Mrs. [Milman?], Mrs. O. M. Gray, Mrs. Jennie Prauss, Mrs. M. E. Mechalis) in period costumes.