James Roland Hinds, better known as Jim, was the Nellis Air Force base historian and a novelist in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was born in Okmulgee, Oklahoma on December 8, 1937. Shortly after his birth, his parents became civil service employees and moved the family to Washington, D.C., where James grew up. He recieved his bachelor's from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri and his master's degree from Southern Illinois University in 1964. After that, he served in the United States Army for two years.
Charles Pember “Pop” Squires was a prominent newspaper editor and publisher in Las Vegas, Nevada. He moved to Las Vegas with his wife Delphine Anderson Squires in 1905 and they participated in the town site’s original land auction that same year. Along with several business partners, Squires opened a bank, a hotel, and an electric company. In 1908 he purchased the Las Vegas Age, one of Las Vegas’s original newspapers. He owned and operated the paper until 1943 when the Las Vegas Review-Journal purchased the Age.
Maryellen Vallier Sadovich (1926-2011) was a journalist and charter member of the Southern Nevada Historical Society. She was the Society's research secretary from 1964 to 1969 and was instrumental in uncovering the historical significance of the Spring Mountain Ranch, which led to the establishment of the Spring Mountain Ranch State Park. She wrote two books about Southern Nevada: Guide to Southern Nevada (1976) andThe Mysterious Valley Caliente, Nevada (2000). In addition, she also co-authored several other books about early Nevada.