An image of one of the hundred studio guest rooms at the Aqueduct at the Sands Hotel and Casino. The exterior was designed by Julius Gabrielle, and the interior was designed by Albert Parvin & Company. Like all Sands rooms, this one had wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling drapes. A boucle-weave casement cloth under curtain eliminated the use of blinds. Outside draperies supplied most of the color accents in the room. Wall coverings in this room were of imported Japanese grass cloth. The table had a drop leaf which extended the surface to 72" x 30". All rooms featured antique-framed mirrors hung off center above 66-inch Mr. and Mrs. Chests. All guest room furniture was made in Barker Brother's factory.
An image of Parker Dam on the Colorado River at the California-Arizona border, 155 miles downstream from Hoover Dam. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.
An image of Parker Dam on the Colorado River at the California-Arizona border, 155 miles downstream from Hoover Dam. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.
An image of Parker Dam on the Colorado River at the California-Arizona border, 155 miles downstream from Hoover Dam. Parker Dam is commonly referred to as "the deepest dam in the world" because 73% of the dam's structural height is positioned below the original river bed. Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.
An image showing an exterior view of the Parker Dam Theater (per the white sign on the side of the building). Presumed to be located near the state line between California and Arizona, the theater displays a poster for the 1936 musical comedy "Pigskin Parade."