Note: Menu is a combination of printed and handwritten items, with many items crossed out. Front and back covers are mainly advertisements. Inside of menu contains references to specific brands of food products. Illustrations the Empire Hotel in Lowestoft, England on front cover (unclear as to whether this restaurant was in this hotel) Menu insert: Advertisements Restaurant: Winchester House Grill and Joint Room Location: England
Note: Lists various prices for complete meals and has an a la carte menu for specific orders. The Grand stand is at the top of the menu cover, with supplied by Mr. Jean Kohl, manager. The Horns hotel & restaurant at the bottom Menu insert: Wine lists; Spirits Lists Restaurant: St. Clement Church Dane's grand stand Location: Strand, W.C., London, England
Note: Advertisements are printed on back cover and around menu. "Company" is abbreviated "Coy." on cover Menu insert: Advertisements Restaurant: The Palmerston Restaurant Location: London, England
Note: Advertisements on back cover and around the edges of the menu. Insert lists Indian curries as a special on Mondays and Thursdays Menu insert: Daily Specials; Advertisements Restaurant: Cafe Monico Location: London, England
Note: Menu is chiefly printed, with some selections stamped and other handwritten. Back cover has advertisements for various rooms in the restaurant and goods they sell. "Company" is abbreviated "Coy." on cover Menu insert: Wine lists; Advertisements Restaurant: The Palmerston Restaurant Location: London, England
Note: Front cover has a royal warrant from Queen Alexandra Menu insert: Advertisements Restaurant: Hotel Cecil (London, England) Location: London, England