On the corner of "C" Street and Jefferson Street. Like most shacks built at this time, many of the visible foundations for the homes are wooden blocks.
The back yards of shacks at "D" Street and Jefferson Street show that in war economy scrap wood was a valuable commodity, both for building and fuel. Street Address: Jefferson Street
Balzar and Revere Streets in Vegas Heights where, at the time, there were no sewers or proper drainage. This lead to flooded streets during severe rainstorms.
A wooden shack on 1100 "D" Street at West Las Vegas that also gave access to a building at an alley by New Jerusalem Church. Street Address: 1100 D Street
Three rear access buildings at 610 Monroe St., in West Las Vegas. Two of them were for storage and the last one was an outhouse used by three families. Street Address: 610 Monroe Street
Three rear access buildings at 610 Monroe St., in West Las Vegas. Two of them were for storage and the last one was an outhouse used by three families. Street Address: 610 Monroe Street
Three rear access buildings at 610 Monroe St., in West Las Vegas. Two of them were for storage and the last one was an outhouse that was shared by three families. Street Address: 610 Monroe Street