Photograph of a scene from "Fantasia Tropical" (Tropical Fantasy), a production staged by Donn Arden at the Lido in Paris in 1955. The Lido was a famous cabaret, and there were many Donn Arden productions at this particular location. The dancers all are wearing elaborate headdresses and minimal costumes. The photograph is taken from above the performance stage. Site Name: Lido (Cabaret: Paris, France)
Five photos of scenes from the Donn Arden staged production "Fantasia Tropical," a show that appeared at the Lido in Paris, France. Site Name: Lido (Cabaret: Paris, France)
A photograph of a large billboard-type advertisement for "Avec Plaisir," which was a production at the Lido Cabaret-Restaurant,in Paris during the 1950s. The Lido was a famous cabaret, and there were many Donn Arden productions at this particular location. The advertisement shows a drawing of a woman with a feathery coat and jewels, walking a small monkey on a leash. Site Name: Lido (Cabaret: Paris, France)
Eight photographs from "Avec Plaisir" a Lido (Paris) production staged by Donn Arden, 1959. These are from a scene entitled "Au Temps des Tzars." Site Name: Lido (Cabaret: Paris, France)