From left to right, a picture of Luke Whitney, Julie Whitney, Alfred Syphus (husband of Agnes Syphus Murphy). Original description: "Murphy 'clan' of St. Thomas."
Prescott's Hardware Store in DeKalb, Illinois. Hole in window was where they stole guns and a steel trap. Wint. (W.A. Davis) and policeman Elmer Larson went out to the suspect's house and later in the day, they caught the thief. In back of sporting goods store was a photo lab. (Quote from Winthrop A. Davis, photographer.)
Mrs. Richardson's ranch house, Corn Creek Road, June 14, 1931. Handwritten on back of card: ""Note: The ranch was 44 miles north of Las Vegas at the base of Sheep Mt. There was a big spring uphill from the house where food was kept cool. The place was originally a homestead. Mrs. Richardson's husband was a house their in Montana who was hung for his crimes there. Afterwards her foreman, Jack Williams, trails her cattle down from Montana. That state bought the ranch for a game reseror [sp] but the home is no longer there. (Info supplied by W.A. Davis, photographer, 1992).""
Distant view of Adeline Rock at Valley of Fire. May 14, 1933. (Locus of petroglyphs). The county used to keep a barrel of water there to fill car radiators.
Treaty Pillar at Valley of Fire. Handwritten note on back of card: "Note: Treaty PIllar is in the center of the photo, Las Vegas wash at bottom left. To the rear and off to the right is Callville. The Mormons shipped goods upriver to Callville. The Mormons made a treaty with the Paiutes; the pillar marks the spot where the treaty was made. It is now underwater. From Callville the trail was overland to Salt Lake City - W.A. Davis, photog., 4-92."
Bob Owens looking at bees in Valley of Fire. (He had a ranch northwest of Las Vegas and later became sheriff.) (Credit: W.A. Davis; he says the location is 3-4 miles northwest of Las Vegas.)
Site of reburial of a dozen or more skeletons found in the valley near the ruins of The Lost City Pueblo. Slabs of stones were placed at the head of each grave. Back of photo identifies this as Valley of Fire. (Photographer W.A. Davis says this is not the Valley of Fire].