Handwritten (by Floyd Rockwell?) on back of photograph: "This is the part of camp where I am now located. No. 1 - Red Cross hut; No. 2. - Officers Club; No. 3. - Barracks I call home?; No. 4 - Barracks; No. 5 - Barracks; No. 6 - N.C.O. mess where I spend all of my spare time K.P.ing; No. 7 - Bath and wash house; No. 8 & 9 - Mess halls; No. 10 - Casual mess kitchen; No. 11 & 12 - Officers barracks; No. 13 - Officers mess No. 1; No. 14 - Post office & personal offices."
Portrait of Marjorie Rockwell, daughter of Bessie and Leon H. Rockwell, Sr. Photograph is hand signed "Love Margie." "Ullom, Las Vegas" printed on photograph.
Handwritten on back of photograph: "Left to right standing: Mother Rockwell, Leon Rockwell, Bessie Rockwell, Harry Dale, [unidentified woman]; Sitting: Earl & May Rockwell wedding."