Handwritten on the back: "In front of McDonald's car. 5 of Intercoms best insts. Hotch. Hotpussy (John Hotchriss), Boo-Boo, Mac, Jerry (McDaniel), & Flippie."
Handwritten on the back: "4 fast backs and a lonesome Sunday afternoon. These boys are my meal buddies [not legible] pay how much I thought of them. Pappy is [not legible] the pic. Myself, ah ha, Herbie, & Flippie."
Handwritten on the back: "The best boys in the whole of this mans his force: H.h-Ha (JohnK. Mommjian), Myself, & Flippie (John Clapp), Pappy (Ed Wien), & Hoover (Herbie)."