Sidney Barouch describes his experience during World War II living in Tunis, Tunisia, which was a French colony. Barouch discusses the facets of the war front in northern Africa, and the experiences of his family as Jews and business owners.
Simone Salen's parents survived the Holocaust, and she describes her life as a miracle. She was reunited with her father's diary, which he kept during the Holocaust, and translated it into English.
Stan Rubens and his family survived the Holocaust by escaping from a transport and with aid from family. They were able to stay in hiding for the duration of the war.
Compilation of interviews with survivors of the Holocaust reflecting on loss, liberation, rebuilding, how the Holocaust has impacted their lives, and the American Dream. The interviews are also available through the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) online catalog:
Two versions of an interview with Holocaust survivor Joseph Frank with Esther Finder. Mr. Frank is asked about his arrival in the United States and his experiences after World War II, and finding out what happened to members of his family. He also discusses how he came to Las Vegas to be near his children.
Two versions of an interview with Gary Rosenthal with Esther Finder. Mr. Rosenthal discusses his family's journey to the United States, and his career as an electrical engineer.